To: Stephen Bubb (
Subject: New pay charter for charities
From: Marcus Williamson (
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 12:24:32
Mr Bubb
I have read this news report:
I would like to propose a new and simple pay and conditions charter for charities:
* No directors or staff to be paid more than the Prime Minister
* Maximum pay ratio between the highest and lowest paid staff of 10:1
* No use of zero hour contracts
* No use of unpaid interns or other staff, except for genuine volunteers
* No use of "workfare" or any similar forced labour schemes
* No use of business or first class travel
* No bonuses
* No termination payments
* Publication of CEO pay details on every charity website in a standard format
Would ACEVO be prepared to support such proposals, which could immediately make
millions of pounds available for charitable purposes by bringing senior pay at
charities back to a reasonable level?
It would also demonstrate responsible leadership to the wider public and private
sectors, showing that it is possible for CEO pay to fall, rather than forever
I have copied Christopher Hope at the Telegraph and William Shawcross at the
Charity Commission and will be sending a copy to the CEOs of each of the members
of the DEC.
My interest is as a technologist, journalist and editor of the website
Look forward to hearing from you.
best wishes
Marcus Williamson